Sentarum Lake National Park is representative of wetland ecosystem of the lake, freshwater swamp forest and tropical rain forest in Borneo.
Lake Sentarum as a seasonal lake in the park is located on the side of the Kapuas river basin, which is about 700 km from the estuary leading to the South China Sea. Bordered by hills and high plains that surround it, Lake Sentarum a water catchment area as well as watersheds for the Kapuas River Basin. Thus, the areas located downstream of the Kapuas River is highly dependent on fluctuations in the amount of water being stored in the lake.
Sentarum Lake National Park has a distinctive and original plants are tembesu / tengkawang (Shorea beccariana). In addition, there are lowland forest plants such as jelutung (Dyera costulata), ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), meranti (Shorea sp.), Keruing (Dipterocarpus sp.), And ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri).
Aquatic systems from freshwater lakes and flooded forests makes Lake Sentarum unlike other lakes. The water was colored dark reddish because they contain tannins derived from peat in the surrounding forest. During the rainy season, the depth of the lake water can reach 6-8 meters and cause tergenangnya surrounding forests. However, during the dry season, where the height of water in the Kapuas River gradually decreased, water from Lake Sentarum Kapuas River flows into the river so that water discharge is relatively stable. Finally at the peak of the dry season, the state of Sentarum Lake and the surrounding area will become a vast expanse of land. The fish that had been on the lake, will be seen in small pools.
People's lives around the Park is the Dayak Iban tribe, Sebaruk, Sontas, Kenyah and Punan still traditional. Longhouse (Special Interest) which is inhabited by various tribes such magnitude, there are five to eight inhabited and there are heads of households occupied 15 to 30 heads of households. Longhouses inhabited by 15-30 head of the family, having an average length of 186 meters and 6 meters wide. Life at home betang shows a harmony, innocence and the hospitality of the tribe, and generally will be treated to dance dayak tourists.
Some locations / attractions to visit:
Lanjak hill, and the Mount Nanga Kenelang Tekenang. Panoramic view of the lake, boating and wildlife observation and study of birds equipped laboratory facilities.
How to reach the location:
How to reach the location: Pontianak-Sintang-Semitau using four-wheeled vehicle about 11 hours or Sintang-Semitau using longboat (bandong) taken about seven hours. From Semitau to the site using a motor boat Lanjak majors. Pontianak-Putussibau by plane about two hours and from Putussibau longboat to Nanga Suhaid with about seven hours.
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