Sempu Island, is a small island which lies south of Java. The island is located in the district of Malang, East Java. Currently Sempu nature reserve is an area protected by the government. The island is almost not found payau.Untuk springs Sempu cross to the island only takes about 20-30 minutes by motorized boat.
Another beauty that can be found on the island Sempu is how could swim in water that is very clear (in the immediate progeny) and those who have a hobby of snorkeling can freely enjoy the underwater scenery because this place is never a civilizing coral reef without having to be dragged wave. Other interesting places on the island is Pasir Panjang, animal breeding, etc.. What's so special Segara Anakan this? The atmosphere in this place may be equalized with the atmosphere of the beautiful beaches on the big screen movie 'The Beach' starring Leonardo de Caprio. The difference this beach is closed, do not connect directly to the open sea. Very beautiful and hard to describe with words.
Segara puppies are formed as a result of sea water, which is directly connected with the Indian Ocean, which broke in through a small niche of the cliff rocks in it so it flooded the plains. And then formed a kind of salt water lake which also form the surrounding beaches. The short description might be like this. White sand beach surrounded by cliffs covered rocks on one side and forest the other hand, the atmosphere of the lake is a replica of the actual sea shore, where there are coral-reefs, marine life such as shellfish, fish, crabs, etc., with pounding of the Indian ocean sea water that sounds pretty hard hitting rock cliffs beyond.
One important thing to note is that makes suasanya Sempu Island is the more remarkable because of his peace. This place is not too easy to reach people. To go to the Segara Anakan this much needed trip out of the city of Malang (Sendangbiru including districts in Malang), arrived at the crossing to the island continued Sendangbiru Sempu, trekking an hour, then up at Segara Anakan. Because as beautiful Whatever somewhere, suppose there are 2x more beautiful beaches of this place but the atmosphere is crowded and dirty as Bali's Kuta beach, the beauty is gone. Due to the difficult but beautiful place is, unfortunately that only a few hours. Moreover, there are reversed sSgara puppies big wave slammed reefs and vast views of the Indian Ocean biruuuuu once.
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